Carey- The Storyteller

Carey- The Storyteller

The Storyteller (Carey B.)

Growing up in a large, probably haunted, 1800-something farm house, Carey began telling stories at an early age. At first they’d take place in her favorite books, and then she began to create and write about her own worlds. Now, she writes tales about the Wildwood, an enchanted moody forest in the world of Fable Thicket, and the siblings, Addie and George who travel there via a magical mask.

Tiffany- The Lady of Babbling Brook Hollow

Tiffany- The Lady of Babbling Brook Hollow

Tiffany once lived an unspectacular life. It wasn’t until she dropped everything and moved into an old Vermont farmhouse that her eyes were opened to the magic all around her. Since then, she has made it her passion project to learn as many historic practices possible and use her knowledge of art and crafting, along with a strong imagination, to build the magical world living in her head.